Through The Strait Gates

Chapter 66: life and death


"... At 10:00 a.m. on xx month x, a serious accident occurred at the airport in x place. The airport shuttle collided with an out-of-control work vehicle. The work vehicle caught fire, causing the flight to be delayed. After preliminary verification, the work vehicle did not follow the established route. Driving, and suddenly accelerated on the way, and hit the shuttle bus that was transporting passengers on flight x. The driver of the accident was dead, and the cause of the accident is under further investigation. Due to the crowded shuttle bus, the specific number of casualties needs to be further confirmed…”

Below are a few photos of the scene of the fire taken by mobile phones. The chaos of the scene can be felt through the pixels of the mobile phone.

Assistant Zhao: "Our boss is this class, I booked the ticket, Mr. Song..."

"Fuck you, it's alright," Song Lianyuan breathed a sigh of relief and said to his assistant with a pretense of calm, "The shuttle bus has to run several times, not necessarily which one it is. I'll call him and ask him."

Assistant Zhao's face didn't look better: "I called... Shut down."

Song Lianyuan waved at him a little rudely. He didn't believe him, so he had to sit down and make another call himself, but it was still turned off.

For a person like Xu Xilin who makes 160 calls a day, he will not turn off his mobile phone in advance until the flight attendant comes to remind him. If the flight is delayed due to an accident at the airport, he will notify everyone as soon as possible.

Assistant Zhao looked at his face uneasily: "Mr. Song, what should I do?"

Song Lianyuan stayed in place for a few seconds, and then he seemed to no longer believe in himself. He made another phone call unconsciously, and in vain, he heard the cold electronic voice ringing again, and his whole body was a little numb.

To be honest, if this happened to someone else, Song Lianyuan's first reaction was "how is it possible, how could it be so unlucky", but when it fell to Xu Xilin, the first reaction in Song Lianyuan's mind was "it can't be true".

Xu Xilin was sickly when he was a child, and he didn't have time to grow up and lost his parents. There is a saying in Song Lianyuan's hometown, that these people with too many ups and downs have evil in their lives and are easy to recruit bad things. What kind of god, look for a blessing, but that little bastard ignores his words every time.

Song Lianyuan: "Go to the airport."

It took more than an hour to drive from the base to the airport. Assistant Zhao was speeding illegally all the way. Song Lianyuan didn't pay attention to him. He was thinking that he didn't belong.

He couldn't stop thinking about it - if he found out that it was a false alarm in the past, he would drop Xu Xilin's mobile phone, and he would not leave his hand for a second when playing WeChat.

Just in case...

Song Lianyuan didn't dare to think deeply, and tears almost fell.

Since he was twelve years old, he has followed his mother to Xu's house to pay New Year's greetings every year. Seeing that Xu Xilin has grown from a runny nose to hugging his thighs and cubs, he has grown to such a big age. After he can talk, he goes back and forth. no.

In those few years, the two of them walked south and north together, almost dependent on each other, and he couldn't accept it emotionally.

When Song Lianyuan was a child, his mother was beaten by his scumbag father, and the mother and son were in constant fear all day long. Lawyer Xu, who often visited their steamed bun shop, ran for them, and helped them find classmates who were in charge of divorce lawsuits. It is to help them advance money. Song Lianyuan swore at that time that when Xu Jin is old in the future, he will provide for the old age. When Xu Jin is gone, he will come to send him off. Her son is his brother. If the brother has the ability, he will never post it. Disgusting, if the brother is incompetent, he will take care of him for the rest of his life... If something really happens under his nose, how will he explain it in the future

And looking at morality and feelings, Xu Xilin is also half of his country.

For the "township", Song Lianyuan is the founder and Xu Xilin is the soul. No one can do without him in this family business.

When Song Lianyuan arrived, he found that the scene was still in chaos, more tragic than he had imagined. The local news had already been published, and the number of casualties kept rising. Because it was not sure that the driver of the accident hit the car, and the possibility of a terrorist attack could not be ruled out, the cordon was pulled high, and the security check instantly increased several levels.

Song Lianyuan's brain was hot, and he wanted to rush in directly, but was vigilantly blocked by the police and ground staff. He showed his identity a little incoherently, and gave out his ID, driver's license, mobile phone, and credit cards in a mess.

The receptionist returned him the credit card of the mobile phone, dumbfounded, turned around and gestured to his colleague, and then said to him kindly: "Sir, don't worry, sit down for a while, and we'll check the situation immediately."

The word "verify" touched Song Lianyuan's sensitive nerves. He looked up and saw that the staff inside was flipping through something, and immediately realized that they might be checking the confirmed death list. Song Lianyuan's legs softened, all his expectations were hanging by a thread, and he staggered to hang on the staff member. Seeing that he quickly finished browsing a piece of paper, he shook his head here.

Song Lianyuan almost went crazy on the spot.

What does shaking your head mean

"No" or "Not on the list"

Seeing that his face was wrong, the receptionist hurriedly said, "No, there is no list of the deceased whose identities have been identified. Please calm down, sir, and we will check it for you immediately."

Later, I heard Assistant Zhao say that the police and the airport staff are actually quite efficient, but for Song Lianyuan, every second was a frying pan and repeated torment. Twenty minutes later, the two found out where the hospital was, refused to send a car from the airport, and hurried there.

Assistant Zhao felt that the big boss's eyes were straight, and quickly said: "Mr. Song, don't worry, it's definitely fine."

Song Lianyuan didn't listen. When something went wrong, the first time he sent someone to the hospital would be to notify the family members. Xu Xilin had no family members. He could barely be regarded as an emergency contact person. Conscious, not a little bit of news without them bumping around.

The more Song Lianyuan thought about it, the more trembling he became, and he was scared to death, so he couldn't help calling Gao Lan.

The moment he heard her voice, the fear in his heart seemed to burst, and before he could say anything, his nose was already sore.

"What's wrong, old black?" Gao Lan asked, "Don't worry, listen to me, take a deep breath, and speak slowly, the sky won't fall."

Song Lianyuan covered his face with one hand and leaned heavily on the back seat.

These men usually feel that they are indomitable and omnipotent. There must always be such a person... Even if he is not around, even if he knows that "life and death are destiny, wealth is in the sky", that mortal knows that it is useless, but when he hears her voice, he feels that this pile of rubble is alive again. .

Song Lianyuan explained to Gao Lan and felt much better. He hung up the phone and sat silently for a while, remembering Xu Xilin's words "Let my wife keep the inheritance", and suddenly asked Assistant Zhao who was driving: "Do you have any Do you have the contact information for a person named 'Dou Xun'?"

Assistant Zhao really has it.

Xu Xilin sent him to deliver things to Dou Xun several times, which made Assistant Zhao think that Dou Xun was an important customer and kept his phone number.

Song Lianyuan sighed at the contact information provided by Assistant Zhao, feeling that he must be ill.

Dou Xun had already arrived at the airport and brought a book to kill time, but he couldn't read it anymore, so he flipped through the chat records that Xu Xilin sent him to play - the chat records during this period were enough for him to kill an hour.

While he was flipping and smirking unconsciously, Dou Junliang suddenly called in.

Dou Xun seemed to be eating a delicious meal, but a small flying insect with no long eyes slammed into his soup. Although it wasn't very frustrating, he was still a little unhappy when he picked it up.

Dou Junliang's attitude was deliberately trying to please him. He went round and round to ask him how he was doing. Dou Xun heard something in his words and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Dou Junliang said hesitantly, "It's been half a year since you came here, and you've never been home. Come back to see Dad when you have time, um... um, she's not here."

Dou Xun was inexplicable, thinking that he has a small child, and what kind of addiction does he have to be a father from himself

So he said perfunctorily: "Well, okay, I won't be busy for a while."

Dou Junliang hesitated: "Dou Xun..."

Just then, a strange call came in.

Dou Xunzheng was too lazy to deal with Dou Junliang, regardless of whether it was express delivery or junk advertising, and directly used "there is something else" as an excuse to cut off Dou Junliang's next words: "Hello, hello."

There was no sound on the phone.

Dou Xun: "Hello, who are you looking for?"

Song Lianyuan couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart, so he brought the phone to Assistant Zhao's ear: "Tell him."

Dou Xun reminded him several times, and was about to hang up impatiently when the phone came out, "Hello Mr. Dou, I'm Xiao Zhao, the one who has sent you things a few times".

Dou Xun still put one hand on the cold railing in the exit hall of the airport, surrounded by people waiting to pick up people, bustling, coming and going, the person in charge of the tour guide group held cards and a small red flag to organize the middle-aged and elderly sunset group to line up. , passing him in a chaotic manner... Dou Xun was completely unaware, as if the air had frozen.

"Hello," Assistant Zhao's voice came from the receiver, "Hello? Are you still there, Mr. Dou?"

Dou Xun suddenly hung up the phone.

He felt that he was still very calm at this time, because the first reaction was that Xu Xilin's assistant's mobile phone, who looked stupid at first glance, had been hacked. The liar may have been extremely sophisticated and had eavesdropped on the call records.

Dou Xun took a few moments to design a perfect telecommunications fraud scheme for the vast number of fraudsters. He tried to laugh at himself, and then went online to search for news, trying to prove that what the person just said was fake news. Unexpectedly, the palm of his hand was covered with cold sweat at some point, and the metal shell slipped out lightly. Only then did Dou Xun realize that his hand was shaking.

A girl who was waiting next to him picked up the phone for him. When he looked up, he was frightened by his face: "Are you alright?"

Dou Xun reluctantly smiled at her, and anxiously re-entered the airport name and major accident.

The girl saw him staring at the phone for a while, and then the whole person seemed to be punched hard, and the whole person bent down on the railing, and the spasm-like fingers squeezed the metal railing into one piece, the little girl felt a little bit. She took a half step back in fear. Several people next to him were startled by him, and they all gathered around to ask about the situation.

At this moment, Dou Xun's cell phone rang again. The ringtone was the cheerful and out-of-tune song of the grey parrot. He grabbed his mind that was about to dissipate, and forcibly twisted it into a strand and pulled it back.

Dou Xun grabbed the life-saving straw and picked it up: "Hello..."

"It's still me. You may have accidentally hung up the phone just now," Assistant Zhao said. "Then what, can you please send me your ID number? Our boss just said that your airline ticket company is responsible for..."

Dou Xun interrupted him: "Are people still alive?"

When he spoke a word, it seemed that the barrier around him had been broken. Three souls and seven souls rushed back to their places. The first thought in Dou Xun's heart was - as long as people live, he can accept whatever they become.

Assistant Zhao stuck for a moment.

Next to Song Lianyuan, who was inquiring about Xu Xilin's situation, someone who didn't know whether it was a policeman or a medical staff came out with a bag: "Xu Xi..."

Song Lianyuan quickly said, "Yes, yes!"

Then he looked like he was strangled by the neck, and there was only a few belongings, the stubs of the boarding pass, the documents, the wallet... and a blood-stained coat.

Song Lianyuan almost knelt down.

Assistant Zhao quickly grabbed him and said weakly to Dou Xun, who was holding his breath on the phone, "We need to think about a better place when we encounter problems..."

Dou Xun's heart sank coldly.

Afterwards, how did he change from picking up people to flying over by himself? Dou Xun has no impression at all. He barely pulled on his cumbersome body the whole time, "buzzing" with the huge roar in the cabin, and his face was calm. No waves, follow people mechanically, take a taxi, report the name of the hospital, find someone, orderly... The procedures are all automatic

At the hospital, they first found Assistant Zhao and Song Lianyuan, who looked complicated.

Song Lianyuan nodded at him with a reserved face, Dou Xun greeted him calmly, and when he turned around, he saw Assistant Zhao's red eyes.

Assistant Zhao is now in a state of being in a circle, and he doesn't know what Dou Xun is doing, but when he meets people, it's like holding onto Dou Xun to vent his emotions. The doctor said it's alright, the surgery is over, and you can visit after a while..."

Dou Xun only saw his mouth open and close, as if he was suffering from aphasia. He couldn't understand a word of Chinese. He quietly waited for Assistant Zhao to finish speaking: "Where is the person and how to get there?"

Song Lianyuan looked at him unbelievably calm at first, but later found out that something was wrong, because no matter what others said to him, he nodded, and the answer was always "Where is the person", not calm, but not normal.

Assistant Zhao: "Mr. Song..."

"Come here." Song Lianyuan beckoned to Dou Xun.

Dou Xun: "Thank you."

The intensive observation room cannot be visited at will. The corridor is dark and narrow. There are many people coming and going. There is an indescribable smell. Various family members are waiting in the corridor to whisper. , smashed into people's hearts in shock. When they passed by, a woman who was sitting on a chair in the corridor suddenly burst into tears. The cry was like an icy awl, and Song Lianyuan got up for no reason. Goosebumps.

But Dou Xun didn't hear it at all, and was immersed in his own world.

Next to the icu is a lounge dedicated to family members. It is barely spacious and bright, and there is still a place to lie down. They waited there for a day and a half. Dou Xun sat down and started to be in a daze. He got down and lay motionless for a long time. Song Lianyuan looked over and saw that his eyes were open.

Dou Xunping lay down and stared at the ceiling, Song Lianyuan looked at him from the side, he was awkward at first, but gradually he couldn't bear it anymore, so he went over and said, "Did you ask for leave from the unit when you came here?"

Dou Xun looked back at him blankly.

Song Lianyuan sighed, tentatively stretched out a hand and put it on Dou Xun's shoulder: "It's alright... It's alright, I've made my inquiries, they said that the place where the car crashed was in the middle, and he was at the rear of the car, so he wasn't affected much. , it's all skin trauma, but it was bumped when it was thrown out... Acute stomach bleeding, it looks quite scary, but now that the blood transfusion has been completed and the operation has been completed, as long as there are no other lesions, the problem should not be big... "

Dou Xun didn't know if he was listening or not, so he nodded lightly after a long time.

Song Lianyuan was about to say something, but was interrupted by the movement next to him - it was a middle-aged couple, the child was being rescued from a heart attack, and he came over and said something to them just now, the news might not be very good, the man knelt down on the spot .

For more than 20 hours, life and death around him, coming and going, Song Lianyuan wanted to say something, but finally swallowed it again.